Alice Lankester

SOLAR Sends Ofwat CEO Our Shared Statement of Opposition

Letter to David Black of Ofwat detailing opposition to Thames Water TDRA, including the campaign’s shared statement of opposition and list of organisations, community groups and businesses joining us in opposition to the TDRA scheme. For the attention of: David Black, Chief Executive, OfwatFrom: The SOLAR Campaign, the community campaign formed to oppose Thames Water’s …

SOLAR Sends Ofwat CEO Our Shared Statement of Opposition Read More »

Objection letter from Sarah Olney MP

See the objection letter written by Sarah Olney on behalf of her constituents. “I would like it noted that all impacted Members of Parliament and dozens of affected councillors, collectively representing almost a quarter of a million people, have raised serious concerns about the effect this project would have on our communities and local environment. …

Objection letter from Sarah Olney MP Read More »