Letter to David Black of Ofwat detailing opposition to Thames Water TDRA, including the campaign’s shared statement of opposition and list of organisations, community groups and businesses joining us in opposition to the TDRA scheme.
For the attention of: David Black, Chief Executive, Ofwat
From: The SOLAR Campaign, the community campaign formed to oppose Thames Water’s TDRA scheme
Dear Mr Black,
Shared Statement Of Opposition To Teddington DRA
I attach the above Shared Statement for your attention as we understand Ofwat is currently considering Thames Water’s re-submitted five-year business plan to which it refers.
The Shared Statement was proposed by Save Our Lands And River (SOLAR), formerly Save Ham Lands and River, and considered and endorsed by those organisations set out the second attachment.
SOLAR is an alliance made in Spring 2023 of new community groups in areas impacted by Thames Water’s (TW) Teddington DRA proposal
The group’s objective was, and continues to be, opposition to the TDRA proposal in its entirety, and to research relevant information on the many dimensions of the proposal to facilitate meaningful interaction with TW after their failure to adequately inform and consult as required on their proposals for the TDRA before March 21st this year.
SOLAR, or Save Ham Lands And River as it was then, as with many individuals made formal complaints to TW that they had not fulfilled the requirements for a proper consultation. The TW process and content of their “consultation” rendered it impossible for respondents to make fair and reasonable judgements and feedback on their proposals.
The Shared Statement was proposed in the summer when community groups sought a vehicle for the collective expression of dismay and opposition to decision makers in response to increasing alarm/frustration with TW’s apparent incapability, or unwillingness, to give clear and substantive information to reasonable questions.
A wide variety of community groups, environmental groups, resident groups and recreational groups have considered and endorsed the Shared Statement proposed by SOLAR and are set out in the attachment
The endorsements, many more of which are in process currently, reflect the increasing opposition during 2023 from stakeholder groups in communities affected directly and indirectly by TW’s TDRA proposal. The views of opposition, and increasingly of dismay, toward the proposal, have become even more embedded following TW’s November “Information” events within the three affected boroughs.
We must register with Ofwat that there is very strong and active reasoned and reasonable opposition to TDRA by SOLAR on behalf of all affected communities.
Those groups endorsing the Shared Statement are aware it has been the intention of SOLAR to submit it to you to register the breadth and depth of opposition to TDRA during your consideration of TW’s re-submitted business plan.
It is appropriate also to draw to your attention the petition of now just under 30,000 individuals regarding opposition to TDRA Petition · Stop the Abstraction Plant at Teddington Weir and Releasing Treated Sewage into the River · Change.org
It is important to stress that affected communities, TW’s customers, genuinely believe there are/can be better, more acceptable, ways to meet the stated water supply requirements – less environmentally damaging, less costly, more acceptable and more congruent with TW’s stated values and objectives
With regards
Mike Pemberton
(For and on behalf of Save Our Lands And River)
Link to: Shared Statement of Opposition and list of organisations, community groups and businesses supporting SOLAR’s campaign to oppose TDRA.